XO, Kitty Korean Drama Explaination

XO Kitty

Are you a fan of Kitty, the hit Korean series that follows
the adventures of Kitty Song Covey, a Korean-American girl who moves to Seoul
for a semester? If you are, you’re in luck, because I’m going to tell you
everything you need to know about the latest season of this romantic comedy.

Kitty’s Journey Begins

Kitty is in love with Dae, her boyfriend who lives in South
Korea. She gets a chance to be with him when she wins a full scholarship at the
Korean Independent School of Seoul (KISS), where Dae and her mom both studied.
She is excited to see Dae and learn more about her mom’s past, but things don’t
go as planned.

 Kitty’s Hurdles in Seoul

First, she misses the bus that was supposed to take her to
the school and has to find her way on her own. Then, she gets hit by a car
driven by Yuri, a popular and rich girl who goes to KISS. Yuri is nice enough
to give her a ride, but Kitty soon finds out that Yuri is dating Dae. Or at
least, that’s what everyone thinks.

 Love in Disguise: Yuri, Dae, and the Complex Web

The truth is, Yuri is actually in love with Juliana, another
girl from KISS. But Yuri’s mom, who is also the principal of the school,
doesn’t approve of her sexuality. So Yuri pays Dae to pretend to be her
boyfriend and keep her mom off her back. Dae agrees because he needs the money
to pay for his tuition.

Kitty’s Moment of Truth

Kitty is heartbroken when she sees Dae and Yuri together at
the school’s welcome party. She doesn’t know what to do or who to trust. Will
she be able to win Dae back? Will Yuri and Juliana be able to be together? Will
Kitty find out more about her mom’s life in Seoul? You’ll have to watch the
show to find out!

Xo Kitty Hindi & Urdu Explainaton

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